A little behind . . .
So while Lisa is in Tanzania this week and I am watching Blades of Glory for the 4th time, I thought I would update the old weblog on some past events. Lisa had a birthday last month and Scott and Georgia came over for games and dessert. They brought over a great gift we ended up playing that night.

This is Lisa deciding that she would rather live with the cats.
While it make not look like it, Scott is enjoying himself. By the way, dessert wasn't half bad. I made brownie sundaes with home made chocolate sauce.

Be a Cyclops -or- have a six foot long tail?
Live alone with your Grandma in a small rural town -or- live in a downtown apartment with 20 cats?
Be the ugliest person in the world -or- the dumbest person in the world?

This Easter we had a special guest staying with us again - Moose!
Boo had a little too much of the goodies in his Easter basket

In keeping with our Florida tradition of making Mexican food for every holiday meal, Lisa decided to throw a little Fiesta Pascua, by making stuffed Poblano peppers. It was very good.
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